News - Build With Robots

2018 Manufacturing Skills Gap Study

Written by griffin-admin | Jan 2, 2019 9:51:17 PM

This 2018 study by Deloitte and The Manufacturing Institute highlights the seismic shift that will occur over the next decade as the Fourth Industrial Revolution completes its transformation of the manufacturing industry. Manufacturing is experiencing an exponential change, as technologies such as artificial intelligence (AI), robotics, and Internet of Things (IoT) rapidly change the workplace. While some predicted that these new technologies would eliminate jobs, the Deloitte study shows the exact opposite—more jobs are actually being created.

These new manufacturing jobs highlight the increasing problem of a skills gap within the U.S. workforce. Today, in the early stage of digital transformation, there is already a mismatch between the available workers and the skills necessary to fill open jobs. Production workers do not need STEM degrees (science, technology, engineering, math) but rather the ability to program machines on the plant floor. Increasingly, employers are looking for extended computer skills that enable core production workers to program a CNC (computer numerical control) machine for a new job, or interact with CAD/CAM (computer-aided design/computer-aided manufacturing) and other engineering or manufacturing software. Manufacturing executives stated the top five skill sets required in the coming three years due to the influx of automation and advanced technologies are: technology/computer skills, digital skills, programming skills for robots/automation, working with tools and technology, and critical thinking skills.

At Build With Robots, we assist others to leverage advanced automation technologies. We provide access, training, expertise and business opportunities for organizations and individuals to apply disruptive automation including collaborative robots (CoBots).  We believe that People and Robots Working Together enhances productivity and workforce satisfaction. Our mission is to create the next generation of manufacturing jobs and workers.