Breezy Chemical Solutions
Aerosolized Hydrogen Peroxide (aHP) chemical solutions you need to make full use of Breezy Blue™.

Safe and Effective Disinfecting
Breezy BioCare™ RTU, created in partnership with SpectraShield Technologies, is an approved disinfectant and deodorizer for use with Breezy Blue™.
Breezy BioCare™ RTU is Green Clean Certified and an EPA-registered disinfectant (#90748-1). The combination of hydrogen peroxide and quaternary ammonium compounds offer complimentary modes of pathogen reduction. When fogged, Breezy BioCare™ RTU leaves no residue and does not require wiping.


Rinse Free and 100% Biodegradable
Breezy BioPure™ RTU is an ecofriendly, biodegradable, rinse-free cleaner and deodorizer that is approved for use with Breezy Blue™.
Breezy BioPure™ RTU consists solely of hydrogen peroxide and water, and biodegrades completely and quickly when fogged. Hydrogen peroxide fogging or aerosolized hydrogen peroxide (aHP) is a proven solution for comprehensive pathogen reduction. Breezy BioPure™ RTU leaves zero residue, making it rinse free and food safe.

Breezy BioCare™
- 5.3% Hydrogen Peroxide + 0.1% Quaternary Ammonium Compounds
- Approved by the Green Clean Institute
- EPA-registered disinfectant (#90748-1)
- Listed on the EPA List N (Disinfectants for Human Coronavirus) and EPA List Q (Disinfectants for Emerging Viral Pathogens)
- Typical applications include Healthcare and Education for highest germicidal efficacy
Breezy BioPure™
- 7% Hydrogen Peroxide
- Zero residue, food safe, and rinse free
- Biodegrades completely into water vapor and oxygen gas
- Germicidal testing and EPA registration in progress
- Typical applications include Residential Cleaning and Food Prep for highest safety and sustainability
Contact Us for information on other approved chemical solutions for use with Breezy Blue™
Why Hydrogen Peroxide?
Hydrogen peroxide is a powerful sanitizer and disinfectant that has been used for decades in medical fields and in food industries. It is non-toxic, environmentally friendly, and 100% biodegradable. In concentrations below 8%, it is safe to transport and stable when stored within an opaque bottle. When exposed to air, hydrogen peroxide is unstable and becomes a strong oxidizing agent as it breaks down into oxygen gas and water vapor. This oxidizing process is where hydrogen peroxide attacks germs and organic matter. Hydrogen peroxide has been shown to be effective against a wide range of microorganisms, including bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Compared to other disinfectants such as bleach, hypochlorous acid (HOCl), and high-concentration quats, hydrogen peroxide is a safer and greener alternative. These other disinfectants all have some drawbacks: high toxicity, non-biodegradable, limited shelf life, rinsing required, too much water for dry fogging, or dangerous when fogged due to unsafe levels of particulate matter or toxins.

Why Aerosolized Hydrogen Peroxide (aHP)?
Hydrogen peroxide fogging or aerosolized hydrogen peroxide (aHP) is a proven solution for comprehensive pathogen reduction. When aerosolized, hydrogen peroxide forms a fog that can effectively reach and thoroughly sanitize spaces, including those with complex floorplans or hard-to-reach areas.
When aerosolized, a large concentration of hydrogen peroxide droplets are exposed to air, greatly accelerating the oxidization process that attacks germs and organic matter. The fogged hydrogen peroxide droplets rapidly biodegrade into water and oxygen and leave behind zero residue, making aHP rinse free and food safe.
Why Breezy Blue™ for aHP?
Breezy Blue™ is a simple-to-use, rapid disinfection solution that delivers the proper aHP fogging dosage, all with near-zero labor. A user manually or remotely activates and monitors Breezy Blue, eliminating all arduous work and providing an electronic history of deep disinfection.
Breezy Blue's advanced jet technology provides a high flow rate and high concentration of micron-sized droplets that rapidly disperse to fill a room-sized space. A typical room can be thoroughly fogged from the doorway in less than two minutes of fogging time. After fogging, the door is closed and the aHP dwells in contact with all surfaces as the user moves onto disinfect other rooms.