40 Under 40: Christian Slough is ready to grow Build With Robots' national distribution network
Christian Slough
Business Development Rep, Build With Robots
Build With Robots, which specializes in disinfectant bots, provides top-quality robotic tools to workforces that traditionally have not had technology to support them in their roles. Part of providing tools means having the reach to connect with potential customers.
Born and raised in Albuquerque, prior to his role as business development representative at BWR, Christian Slough was a top sales rep for the company, contributing 16% of total revenue and 38% of new accounts in 2022. In his current role, Slough works to identify, qualify, sign, train and support distribution partners. When he is not working, you can likely find Slough talking to K-12 classes, judging competitions, and working with Explora on developing STEM activities.
What do you consider your greatest professional achievement?
Enabling others to have a platform. In my role at Build With Robots, I'm able to bring teachers, school directors, superintendents and students together for conference panels, marketing videos and collaborative partnership. Most recently, it was bringing two rural charter school directors and a superintendent together for New Mexico Tech's ExperienceIT conference to speak about the future of technology and automation in education. Bringing educational leaders into the tech community is important to the development of our future workforce.
What's your next big career goal?
The next big career goal I have is building our national distribution network at Build With Robots. Building our distribution gives us more ability to integrate robotic tools. Distributors have had the dialogue with schools and state and local government for decades about the realities they're living; they have the depth of knowledge when it comes to our customers and community's needs. We are bringing the ecosystem closer together; where Build With Robots brings technology and innovation, distributors help implement comprehensive programs for facilities and our community gives us feedback to continue to cycle of innovation.