Achieving GBAC Registered Product Status
Breezy One: Science-driven Approach to Smart Disinfection with Robots
A constantly expanding list of manufacturers and other companies now have programs or technologies that support a high-performance cleaning and maintenance regimen and have achieved the GBAC STAR Registered Seal. This registration provides assurance to customers and manufacturers/companies that the program or technology has been assessed by the GBAC Advisory Council Scientific Board for scientific validity, usability, practicality, safety, and effectiveness related to claimed uses.
Breezy One is just a few weeks away from celebrating its first anniversary of becoming a GBAC STAR Registered Product. Breezy One is manufactured by Build With Robots, a tech company based in New Mexico which creates robotic solutions that allow workers to do their jobs more safely and effectively, and enhances facilities with cutting-edge disinfecting technology.
Read the rest of the article and see the entire GBAC STAR Report here.