How Breezy Blue™ Fits into Residential & Commercial Cleaning
Breezy Blue™, the smart disinfecting fogger, has found a new niche: residential and commercial cleaning. After finding success with Sandia Green Clean, Breezy Blue™ has expanded to cleaning service providers across the US.
Cleaning and disinfecting are two distinct processes that are frequently confused as the same thing. Cleaning involves the removal of dirt, dust, crumbs, and germs from surfaces and objects. This includes dusting, sweeping, mopping, washing, polishing, and more. Disinfecting, on the other hand, uses chemicals to eliminate, inactivate, or significantly reduce the concentration of pathogens, such as bacteria, viruses, and fungi.
Residential and commercial service providers definitely clean, but are they disinfecting? Should they disinfect?
Why Disinfect Residential and Commercial Spaces?
Residential cleaners disinfect to help make people’s homes healthier. The CDC recommends disinfecting homes regularly, especially during cold and flu season. It is difficult to avoid sickness between family members or roommates because of the close proximity and recirculated air. Disinfectant fogging removes pathogens from all surfaces, and its particles stay suspended in the air, combatting airborne illnesses like COVID-19.
Commercial spaces and similar facilities, such as offices, stores, schools, and medical offices, need to be disinfected regularly because of the high traffic of people and their germs. Many people go to work or school even when they are sick. Others may be asymptomatic or assume it’s just their allergies making them congested. Knowingly or not, a lot of people carry pathogens into public spaces, putting others at risk. Cleaning without disinfection will make a place look like a healthy space, but the microorganisms are there, hiding and infecting people.
Why Breezy Blue™?
Any method of disinfecting would be beneficial to cleaning service providers and their clientele. However, disinfectant fogging gets the most coverage with minimal labor, making it a great choice for busy workers who cannot spend the time manually spraying every inch of a room with disinfectant. Plus, with a dry fog, all surfaces can get disinfected, including curtains, upholstery, and other fabrics. Other methods require wetting a surface, so items that cannot get wet cannot be disinfected. Breezy Blue™ uses aerosolized hydrogen peroxide, which is safe around plants, electronics, and fabrics.
Additionally, Breezy Blue™ uses automation to make the disinfection process even easier. It has one button for operation. The Breezy Smart Controller can also be used to start the fogger, edit the fog duration, or put it on a schedule. Most rooms in a home need 30 to 60 seconds of fogging, and other facilities may need to fog for 60 to 90 seconds per room. Fogging with Breezy Blue™ is quick, minimizing labor. This allows residential and commercial cleaners to offer disinfection as a service without adding a lot of extra work or time to their cleans. Plus, the smart fogger is super user-friendly, so not much training is needed.
How to Disinfect Room-to-Room
Disinfecting with Breezy Blue™ is simple. By following Build With Robots’ Checklist to Fog, a house can be disinfected in 5 minutes.
1. Clean
Follow your standard cleaning procedures to remove garbage, soil, dirt, and debris.
2. Prepare
Ensure no humans or pets are inside the room. Position Breezy Blue™ in the doorway, with the fogger pointed towards the middle of the room.
3. Fog
Press the button to fog solution for 30-90 seconds, depending on the size of the area.
4. Dwell/Contact Time
Close the door and allow the solution to settle for 10 minutes.
5. Ventilation & Re-entry
Open the door and allow an additional 10-20 minutes to ventilate any remaining solution before re-entering the room.
Room-to-room disinfection is recommended for residential cleaners, but for even less labor, Breezy Blue™ foggers can be set to fog automatically on a schedule with the controller.
Cleaning service providers work hard to create clean, neat, and healthy spaces for people. They use a variety of tools and techniques to get the job done, and they often work long hours to make sure that their clients are satisfied. Breezy Blue™ is helping cleaning service providers meet these demands without adding a lot of extra work or time.